Areas of impact

Employment Generation: Qintess, among its more than 2,000 employees, offers first-time employment for young professionals, many of whom later achieve leadership position by acquiring technical expertise. In addition, Qintess provides job opportunities in the North and Northeast regions, where high paying jobs for skilled labor are limited.

Capacity building: Permanent trainings allows employees to obtain skills and certifications not widely available in the traditional educational system. This enables them to gain technical expertise to be then to get higher-paying jobs such as solution architects, certified engineers and internetwork experts.

Gender: As Qintess consolidates and continues growing and generating entry-level and leadership job as well as training opportunities, it will be positioned as an attractive ICT company for female talent to add to its more than 500 female employees.

Innovation: In-depth expertise in designing and implementing complex ICT systems and applications among others, enables a more productive workforce a more efficient deployment of clients’ services in a wide range of industries, including public entities, financial services, agribusiness, health and education.

Transparency and Accountability: Qintess’ business model entails servicing public clients to support the development, implementation and management of systems that allows them to reach a wider number of people while also enhancing efficiency of operation/services, as well as traceability and access of information. Therefore, this results in greater transparency and accountability in the public sector.
